
Chairman Nadler Invites Former Head of ORR Scott Lloyd To Clarify Testimony on Administration's Family Separation Policy

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Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) sent a letter to Scott Lloyd, the former head of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), requesting that he clarify statements made during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on February 26, 2019. Full text of the letter is available here and below: March 22, 2019 Scott Lloy... Read more »

Chairman Nadler Opening Statement for Hearing on Protecting Dreamers and TPS Recipients

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Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) described the need to protect Dreamers and TPS recipients at a hearing on the subject. His remarks, as prepared, are below: "Today’s hearing examines the critically important issue of delivering permanent protections, including a path to citizenship, for Dreamers and recipients of Temporary Protected Status, known as TPS, or a simila... Read more »

This Week in the House Judiciary Committee: March 6-7, 2019

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The House Judiciary Committee has announced its schedule for the week of March 4, 2019. March 6, 2019 HEARING: PROTECTING DREAMERS AND TPS RECIPIENTS Full Committee Hearing 10:00 a.m. 2141 Rayburn House Office Building Witnesses: Jin Park DACA Recipient Harvard University Undergraduate Student Rhodes Scholar Yatta Kiazolu DED Recipient UCLA PhD Candidate Yazmin Irazoqui Ruiz DACA Recipient Univers... Read more »

Chairman Nadler Opening Statement for Subcommittee Hearing on President Trump's National Emergency Declaration

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Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) delivered the following opening remarks during a Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties hearing on the National Emergencies Act of 1976, which President Trump is attempting to exploit to build a wall along the southern border: "Thank you, Chairman Cohen. And thank you for convening this hearing on this imp... Read more »

Chairman Nadler Opening Statement for Oversight Hearing on Trump Administration's Family Separation Policy

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Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) delivered the following opening statement, as prepared, during an oversight hearing examining the Trump Administration's family separation policy, the first formal hearing held by the Committee on this disastrous policy: "Two years into the Trump Administration’s wide array of dramatic and damaging immigration policy changes, it is unbelievabl... Read more »

Senior Judiciary Democrats Demand Answers after Trump Declares National Emergency at the Southern Border

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Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), along with the Judiciary Subcommittee Chairs and Vice Chair, sent a letter to President Donald Trump to demand answers after he declared a national emergency at the southern border and to request hearings with White House Counsel Pat A. Cipollone and Justice Department officials. In addition to the letter, Chairman Nadler released th... Read more »

Chairman Nadler Statement on Trump Preparing to Declare a National Emergency

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Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) released the following statement on President Donald Trump preparing to declare a national emergency at the southern border: “The President’s declaration of a national emergency would be an abuse of his constitutional oath and an affront to the separation of powers. Congress has the exclusive power of the purse, and the Constitution s... Read more »

House Judiciary Committee Announces Oversight Hearing on Family Separation Policy

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On Tuesday February 12, 2019 at 10:00 a.m., the House Judiciary Committee will hold a full committee hearing to conduct oversight of the Trump Administration's family separation policy, finally holding the Administration accountable for the inhumane and callous policy that separated children from their parents at the border. House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Immigration and Citiz... Read more »

Chairman Nadler & Ranking Member Collins Hold First Judiciary Committee Meeting of the 116th Congress, Announce Committee Roster

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Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee held its first full Committee meeting to introduce new Members, adopt Committee Rules of Procedure, appoint Subcommittee Chairs and Ranking Members, and approve the assignment of Members to Subcommittees. Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Ranking Member Doug Collins (R-GA) released the following statements after the Committee’s first meeting of the 116th C... Read more »