Whistleblower Tipline

Do you have a tip to share about unlawful or unconstitutional activity—or other wrongdoing—in a federal agency or other organization? Now more than ever, Congress depends on insiders to conduct its constitutionally mandated oversight responsibilities.  

To reduce your legal risks when disclosing information to the Committee, and to better protect your communications, do not contact us using work resources or while you are at work—and do not submit classified information or other information barred from release through this form or by email.

Further, consider consulting an attorney experienced in representing whistleblowers before you make a disclosure.  Additional resources are available through the nonpartisan House Office of the Whistleblower Ombuds at https://whistleblower.house.gov/resources/resources-whistleblowers.

We respect your confidentiality and accept anonymous disclosures. If you choose to provide your contact information, it will be kept in strict confidence and used only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

* marks required fields of data.

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Tip Description* (3000 word count limit).
Goals (500 word count limit)*