Press Releases

Conyers on Surveillance Disclosures: Time for a Reset in the War Against Terror

Washington, DC, June 7, 2013

Rep. John Conyers issued the following statement:

“Yesterday’s revelations concerning widespread surveillance of Internet communications, combined with the disclosures concerning surveillance of Americans’ phone records raise serious alarm bells.

“I agree with the president’s sentiment expressed last month that we are at a crossroads in the so-called war against terror.  It is vital that we understand the legal underpinnings as well as the utility and impact of on privacy concerning the full panoply of legal tools being used by our government – from surveillance to leak investigations to drone policy. 

“If we have learned anything from recent experiences, it is that America is strongest when all three branches of government are full-fledged partners and the American people are also involved.  Given these recent disclosures, as a first step,  I believe it imperative that Congress in general and the Judiciary committee in particular – which has a unique sensitivity to civil rights and liberties – engage in a full and candid review and discussion of these matters.  I look forward to working with the administration, Chairman Goodlatte, and my colleagues on the committee in the coming days and weeks on these critical issues.”
