Press Releases

Judiciary & Progressive Caucus Dems to Hold Briefing on the Impact of Dominant Internet Platforms on Competition, Innovation, & Democracy

Washington, DC, November 20, 2017

On Friday, December 1st from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., House Judiciary Committee Democrats and the Congressional Progressive Caucus will host a briefing on the impact of the largest internet companies on competition, innovation, and democracy.

There is increasing concern that the size and power of some of the largest technology companies may harm competition, threaten the future of innovation, and undermine the free and diverse press by restricting Americans’ access to trustworthy news sources online.

These concerns arise during a broader wave of consolidation and persistently high corporate profits that are not reinvested in workers or the economy by companies.

Today, consumers pay more for less in the wake of anticompetitive mergers, while economic concentration contributes to wage stagnation and workplace inequality. Concentrated economic power can also have political consequences, as firms in concentrated industries can wield disproportionate political influence and erode democratic values. 

During the briefing, policy experts will examine and discuss these concerns.


Members of Congress

Jerrold Nadler, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member 

David N. Cicilline, Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law

Raúl M. Grijalva, Co-Chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus

Mark Pocan, Co-Chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus

Keith Ellison, Vice Chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus


Rana Foroohar, Associate Editor, Financial Times and CNN Analyst


Tim Wu, Professor at Columbia Law School, author of The Attention Merchants

Siva Vaidhyanathan, Professor of Modern Media Studies and Director of the Center for Media and Citizenship at the University of Virginia, Author of The Googlization of Everything

Frank Pasquale, Professor of Law at the University of Maryland, Affiliate Fellow at Yale Law School's Information Society Project

Lina Khan, Director of Legal Policy, Open Markets Institute, Author of Amazon's Antitrust Paradox

Allen Grunes, Founder, The Konkurrenz Group, Coauthor of Big Data and Competition Policy

Stacy Mitchell, Co-Director, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Author of Monopoly Power and the Decline of Small Business

Chris Lewis, Vice President, Public Knowledge


Friday, December 1 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.


2226 Rayburn House Office Building


Media interested in attending should RSVP to