Press Releases

Conyers Commends Obama Administration for its Treatment of the Boston Bombing Suspect

Washington, DC, April 23, 2013

Last night, in a proceeding convened in a Boston hospital room, a federal magistrate read criminal charges against Dzhokar Tsarnaev and advised him of his legal rights.  Following reports of this proceeding, Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) released this statement:

“The Obama administration should be commended for sticking by its principles and the rule of law.  The man in custody is a United States citizen, arrested on American soil and accused of committing a series of federal crimes.  Some have suggested that we treat this individual as an enemy combatant.  That suggestion is both misguided and legally untenable.  Under the Authorization for Use of Military Force as it has been interpreted by the courts, and under the National Defense Authorization Act as passed by Congress, the government may only treat a suspect as an enemy combatant if he is part of al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces.  We have seen no evidence of any such association in this case.

“Fortunately, the administration has chosen a more prudent course—to bring the full weight of the federal justice system to bear on a suspect accused of a criminal act.   Our values and our sense of justice demand no less.

“My thoughts remain with the families and loved ones of those who died last week, and with the wounded as they begin the path to recovery.“
