Press Releases


Washington, DC, June 27, 2018

House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) released the following statement on Associate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s retirement from the United States Supreme Court:

“All Americans who care about equality, human dignity, and justice should be deeply concerned about the retirement of Justice Kennedy.  Justice Kennedy was not always on the right side of every issue, but he often served as a critical bulwark against the extremes of conservative jurisprudence on issues ranging from marriage equality to abortion rights and racial justice.  Today, on these and many other issues, such a defender of constitutional rights and equality under the law is more necessary than ever before.  Our nation faces questions of the greatest constitutional importance, which now may be left to a Supreme Court dominated by right-wing ideologues.  It is my hope, and the hope of millions of Americans, that Justice Kennedy’s replacement be an honest and fair-minded arbiter who will uphold and defend the rights of all Americans regardless of age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or national origin.”
