Press Releases


Nadler: I could not disagree more with Sen. Grassley’s suggestion to push out McCabe

Washington, DC, December 19, 2017

House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) released the following statement in response to Senator Chuck Grassley’s call for  FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to be removed from the FBI:

“I respect Senator Grassley, but I could not disagree more with his suggestion that Mr. McCabe should be removed from his post, as President Trump has repeatedly urged.  The Assistant Director has had a long and distinguished career at the FBI – fighting organized crime, working on counterterrorism, serving as the first director of the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, helping to coordinate the investigation of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, and securing the arrest of Ahmed Abu Khattala for involvement in the 2012 Benghazi attack.  The President and his supporters in Congress seem intent on trashing the FBI. 

Our job is to support the Bureau and its agents in order to ensure it operates effectively and in accordance with our rule of law, not to cause more disarray at its headquarters.  The last thing we should do is to allow Mr. McCabe to become the victim of partisan attacks on the Special Counsel’s investigation simply because his wife decided to run for public office.  At an absolute minimum, we should let the Inspector General complete his review on the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email investigation before we decide that any further action is appropriate.”