Press Releases

Chairman Nadler’s Statement on WH Letter Demanding the Judiciary Committee End Obstruction, Corruption & Abuse of Power Investigation

Chairman Nadler: “Our investigation into this as well as other troubling conduct by this Administration will continue”

Washington, DC, May 15, 2019

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) released the following statement in response to White House counsel Pat Cipollone’s letter demanding that the House Judiciary Committee end its investigation into obstruction of justice, public corruption and abuse of power:

“Today, the White House made the extraordinary demand that the Committee discontinue its inquiry into obstruction of justice, public corruption, and abuses of power, including as set forth in the Mueller Report.  We will do no such thing.  The White House position appears to be that the Justice Department cannot hold the President accountable, since it purportedly cannot indict him.  Now it adds the extreme claim that Congress cannot act either, because that would duplicate the Special Counsel’s work.  This flies in the face of the American idea that no one is above the law, and I reject it.  Our investigation into this as well as other troubling conduct by this Administration will continue.

“The White House also claims it is willing to cooperate with this Committee while at the same time refusing to work with Congress to produce redacted portions of the Mueller Report, underlying documents and other materials; refusing to provide responses to our requests for information regarding family separation and the decision to not defend the ACA; and after the President has already declared that he is “fighting all the subpoenas.” The Committee remains willing to discuss any reasonable accommodations, but accommodation takes two.”