Press Releases


Conyers: “One wonders what else they have to hide”

Washington, DC, July 13, 2017

Earlier today, the Department of Justice released a redacted copy of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s application for a security clearance in response to a lawsuit filed by watchdog group American Oversight.  The form asks if Sessions “had any contact with a foreign government, its establishment . . . or its representatives, whether inside or outside the U.S.” 

Mr. Sessions responded: “No.”

At a hearing before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Department officials stated that the FBI had searched its notes from the Attorney General’s background investigation and found no reference to any meetings between Sessions and the Russian government—suggesting that the Attorney General failed to mention the meetings at all during his interview.

Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr., released the following statement:

“It is deeply disturbing—but no longer terribly surprising—that a senior member of the Trump Administration appears to have misled the FBI about his contacts with the Russian government.  Mr. Sessions now joins Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump Jr. in the growing list of Trump associates who have failed to make these disclosures as required by law.

“I would have hoped that, after his troubling testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee and after facing his former colleagues on the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Attorney General would have learned his lesson and corrected the record.  Instead, this Administration seems intent on fighting even the most basic measures of transparency.  One wonders what else they have to hide.

“It is imperative that the House Judiciary Committee investigate this matter.  At a minimum, the government should immediately review whether the Attorney General remains qualified to hold a security clearance, and Mr. Sessions must submit a corrected form to the authorities detailing any and all contacts with foreign governments.”
