Press Releases

Conyers, Lofgren: House GOP’s So-Called “Better Way” Has No New Ideas, Does Little For National Security

Washington, DC, June 9, 2016

Earlier today, House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Task Force on National Security introduced its national security portion of the so-called “Better Way” agenda – a rebranding of old partisan proposals.  House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) and Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) released the following joint statement after the release of this report:

“It was our hope that this initiative might yield new, constructive ideas in the fight to keep our country safe. Sadly, this report lacks substantive detail, and appears to be largely a reworking of broad policy pronouncements that have been circulating the Hill for years.  It is not enough to simply list our Nation’s challenges and blame them on immigrants, refugees, and President Obama.”

Notably, the report announced today calls for various changes to our immigration laws—despite the Republican-controlled Congress’s refusal to join House Democrats to pass comprehensive immigration reform.   The report also fails to address several clear national security concerns, including climate change and various global health crises.