Press Releases

Conyers/Lofgren Statement on Reports of an Annual Refugee Ceiling Less than 50,000

Ronald Reagan saw America as a shining city on the hill and beacon of hope and welcome.

Washington, DC, September 13, 2017

U.S. Representatives John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.), Ranking Member on the House Judiciary Committee, and Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), Ranking Member on the Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee, issued the following statement today after news reports indicated the Trump Administration was considering establishing a refugee ceiling of less than 50,000 for the 2018 fiscal year:

“The Trump administration is reportedly considering establishing a refugee ceiling of less than 50,000 for the 2018 fiscal year. If true, this would be shameful and contrary to American values. “America has long led the world in refugee resettlement, and our annual refugee admissions ceiling has averaged 94,000 per year since passage of the Refugee Act of 1980.

Under President Reagan, it exceeded 200,000. These levels not only honored our values as a nation of immigrants and a beacon of hope, they also supported our economic, foreign policy, and national security interests. “By any measure, Donald Trump’s reported consideration of a refugee ceiling of 50,000 or lower is extreme. But it is particularly reprehensible given the current global refugee and humanitarian crisis.

Today, over 65 million around the world find themselves displaced from their homes. “Ronald Reagan saw America as a shining city on the hill and beacon of hope and welcome. Faced with an opportunity to help this most vulnerable and disadvantaged population, Donald Trump would instead have us cower behind our walls.

“While we would hope the Trump Administration heeds President Reagan’s example, we call upon the President to issue a refugee admissions ceiling of least 75,000.”