Press Releases

Ranking Member Nadler Statement on Senate Judiciary Committee Report on Trump Tower Meeting

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, released the following statement after the Senate Judiciary Committee released more than 2,500 pages of documents related to its investigation into the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between top Trump aides and a delegation of Russians who promised to help the Trump presidential campaign:

“These preliminary findings confirm what we have long suspected.  The Trump campaign had multiple contacts with the Russian government.  Russian officials offered their assistance to the campaign, and Donald Trump, Jr. was eager to accept that help.  The June 9 meeting at Trump Tower was a bust from the campaign’s perspective—because they expected more from the Russians by way of damaging information on Hillary Clinton.  Nevertheless, President Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., and others appeared to work to mislead us about that meeting when we began to read about it in the papers.

“I respect the Senate Judiciary Committee’s investigation, but they have more work to do. I hope that Chairman Grassley will join Ranking Member Feinstein in keeping up the pressure on the key witnesses who have refused to testify. Here on the House Judiciary Committee, Republicans grumble about the Special Counsel investigation and chase Hillary Clinton’s emails with enthusiasm—but they refuse to even discuss the possibility that the Trump campaign sought an advantage from a foreign adversary, or to protect Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation so that the American people can know the facts. House Judiciary Republicans should join House Judiciary Democrats in investigating these, and other critical issues, which so far have been ignored."
