Press Releases

Conyers to ask for Full Accounting of Pending U.S. Attorney/DOJ Investigations Involving Trump Administration and Related Entities

Washington, DC, March 11, 2017

Detroit, MI - On Friday, the Trump Justice Department asked every sitting U.S. Attorney for their resignation.  Today, the Trump Administration fired Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the  Southern  District of New York.  Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee issued the following statement:

“I am deeply disturbed by the Trump Administration's decision to terminate all sitting U.S. Attorneys.  The Trump Administration--including former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and others--has been enveloped by myriad conflicts of interest, and allegations of improper if not unlawful contacts involving the Russian government.  The Attorney General himself is enmeshed in scandal resulting from his own inaccurate testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“It is particularly problematic that the Administration would fire Mr. Bharara, the U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, who President Trump himself had previously asked to continue in his position--particularly given that Mr. Bharara could be reviewing a range of potential improper activity emanating from Trump Tower and the Trump Campaign, as well as entities with financial ties to the President or the Trump Organization.  Similarly, every Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee recently asked Channing Phillips, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, to investigate whether Attorney General Sessions’ misstatements before the Senate Judiciary Committee may have constituted the federal crimes of lying to Congress or perjury.

“I am asking the Trump Justice Department to provide the House Judiciary Committee with a summary of any and all pending investigations involving members of the Trump Administration, the Trump Transition, the Trump Campaign, and the Trump Organization,  so that we can understand the full implications of this weekend’s firings.”