Press Releases

Nadler, Escobar, Scanlon Demand Answers on Texas AG Paxton's Efforts to Intimidate Latino Voting Rights Advocates, Elected Leaders, and Candidates

Washington, September 6, 2024

Today, Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (NY-12), Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16), and Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-05) sent a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton following recent activities which appear to be designed to intimidate Latino voting rights advocates, elected leaders, and candidates for public office in Texas.


The Members write, in part:


"Just two months before voting begins in Texas, you sanctioned raids against the homes of Latino political operatives, civil rights advocates, and volunteers across three counties in the San Antonio area as part of what you “said was a two-year investigation of alleged fraud and vote harvesting."


"...Your investigators also conducted an early morning search of Mary Ann Obregón, the mayor of Dilley, Texas, and confiscated her cell phone. Mayor Obregón is 80 years old, and at the time of the raid had just been released from the hospital after suffering from COVID-19. Because your investigators took her phone, she was unable to call her doctor that morning with questions about her follow-up care. Following your investigators’ efforts to intimidate her, Mayor Obregón “said she was not sure if she’ll continue her voter registration work.” She told reporters, “My kids now don’t want me to keep doing politics.”


"...It is clear that your decision to open this investigation was not predicated on any actual evidence of misconduct. As Texas Attorney General, you should be aware that state law permits nonprofit organizations to help register eligible individuals to vote provided that all applicable rules and regulations are followed. In the weeks leading up to an election, it is common for voter registration efforts by local organizations or community groups to become more active."


"...I  have serious concerns that you are using the power of law enforcement to intimidate Latinos in Texas and discourage them from exercising their fundamental right to vote. Your pursuit of these investigations threatens the most foundational democratic rights of Americans living in Texas and requires congressional security.


You have claimed that you are “committed to protecting the security of the ballot box and the integrity of every legal vote.” Your decision to pursue baseless investigations targeting American citizens seeking to exercise their rights proves that this is false. Every American deserves a voice—not just those Americans whom you deem politically worthy. The rule of law cannot bend to accommodate your fear of losing power."


The full letter can be found here.