Press Releases

Nadler, Himes Release Staff Report on House Republicans' Lack of Evidence to Substantiate their Latest CIA Conspiracy Theory

Washington, June 26, 2024
WASHINGTON, DC - House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Ranking Member Jim Himes today  released a staff report titled, "House Republicans Lack Evidence to Substantiate Latest CIA Conspiracy Theory:"

In the forward to report, the Members write, in part:

"When it comes to congressional investigations, House Republicans are failures. Their effort to impeach President Biden failed to find evidence of wrongdoing by the President. Their work to undermine the criminal cases pending against Donald Trump failed to stop Trump’s conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records and election fraud. Just this week, the Supreme Court rejected the false conspiracy theory propagated by House Republicans that conservative speech had been unconstitutionally censored on social media platforms. 

Against this backdrop of failure, Chairman Jordan and Chairman Turner have released a report alleging that the Intelligence Community worked with the Biden campaign to bury a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop. They ask you to ignore that this supposed plot all took place during the Trump Administration, while Trump’s allies were actively pushing Russian disinformation to the Department of Justice and in their public messaging. 

This staff report shows that this latest Republican effort is—like the failures before it— absolute nonsense. The evidence we have reviewed shows that virtually every allegation the Republicans have made is false or beside the point. What actually occurred is simple: a group of 51 former intelligence officials signed a letter expressing their genuine view as private citizens that the Hunter Biden laptop story bore all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. And, as they were legally required to do, they provided a copy of the letter prior to publication to the Central Intelligence Agency’s Prepublication Classification Review Board; the PCRB found that the letter contained no classified information. "