Press Releases


Washington, February 3, 2023
Washington, D.C. – House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Ranking Member, Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) today issued the following statement in response to subpoenas issued to the Department of Justice, Department of Education, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation:
“We are nearly a month into this new Congress and House Republicans have issued more partisan subpoenas than passed bills to create jobs, fight inflation or lower costs for American families. The conspiracy theories underpinning today’s subpoenas have been debunked with facts time and time again, but Republicans do not want to be bothered by this inconvenient truth. There is no amount of documents that will satisfy the MAGA obsession with conspiracies.
“The Department of Justice has been working with Chairman Jordan and his staff in good faith to be responsive where they can (unlike Republican members who ignore subpoenas). It seems clear however, that Mr. Jordan is not interested in working cooperatively and has instead resorted to publicity-seeking stunts. While I am disappointed that Republicans have resorted to this type of aggressive arm-twisting and performative politics, I am confident that what they have asked for will once again disprove this tired right-wing theory. I and the Democratic members of the Subcommittee are ready to work on evidence-based inquiries, not wild conspiracy theories.”