Press Releases

Chairman Nadler Statement on SCOTUS Shadow Docket Ruling on Texas Law SB8

Washington, September 2, 2021

Washington, D.C. - Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) issued the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled overnight to leave Texas Law SB8 in place: 

"Allowing a flagrantly unconstitutional law to take effect, functionally denying women in the state of Texas their constitutional right to abortion, is bad policy. Doing so in the middle of the night, without the benefit of a single argument, in an unsigned opinion, is shameful. This action does more than undermine fundamental rights and basic health care—it places lives in grave danger. 

"Congress must stand with patients and providers in Texas and elsewhere and say enough is enough. We must guarantee the right of everyone in this country to access abortion and other reproductive health care. I applaud Speaker Pelosi’s announcement that the House will take up Rep. Judy Chu’s Women’s Health Protection Act, of which I am a proud cosponsor. And because the Court has now shown repressive state legislatures how to game the system, the House Judiciary Committee will hold hearings to shine a light on the Supreme Court’s dangerous and cowardly use of the shadow docket. Decisions like this one chip away at our democracy."