Press Releases

Chairman Nadler Statement for the Markup of H.R. 2746, To amend title 28, United States Code, to redefine the eastern and middle judicial districts of North Carolina

Washington, May 18, 2021

Washington, D.C. - Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) delivered the following opening remarks during the markup of H.R. 2746, To amend title 28, United States Code, to redefine the eastern and middle judicial districts of North Carolina:

"H.R. 2746 would redefine the boundaries of the Middle and Eastern Districts of North Carolina to place Fort Bragg and Camp Mackall (a sub-installation of Fort Bragg located roughly forty miles away) entirely within the Eastern District.  This bipartisan legislation, introduced by our colleague Congresswoman Ross and Congressman Hudson, has the support of every member of the North Carolina Congressional delegation, including our colleague Mr. Bishop.

"Even though Fort Bragg sits on the outskirts of Fayetteville, which is in the Eastern District, the base straddles both judicial districts.

"The result of this split means that a federal case arising on one part of Fort Bragg will be heard at the Fayetteville courthouse, which is roughly 20 minutes away, while a case arising on another part of the base could be heard at courthouses more than two hours away.  The logistical difficulties resulting from Fort Bragg’s split jurisdiction can extend beyond the inconvenience of unnecessarily long travel times—in criminal cases, for example, courts have had difficulty ensuring that defendants have received notice of their rights.  Ms. Ross’s bill will fix that.

"I want to thank Ms. Ross for championing this legislation, and I want to recognize the efforts of Mr. Bishop, as well.  I am pleased to support this bipartisan legislation, and I urge my colleagues to support it as well."