Press Releases

Chairman Nadler Statement on Agreement in McGahn Lawsuit

Washington, May 12, 2021

Washington, D.C. - Today, the House Judiciary Committee and the Department of Justice filed a joint motion to postpone oral argument in Judiciary v. McGahn after reaching agreement on a settlement for the testimony of former White House Counsel Don McGahn.  Under the terms of the settlement, the Committee expects Mr. McGahn to appear for a transcribed interview.  In that session, Mr. McGahn will respond to questions about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, allegations of obstruction of justice, and former President Trump’s attack on Mr. McGahn’s credibility.  The Committee will provide additional information about this interview as it becomes available.

After the motion was filed, Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) released the following statement: 

“When the former President vowed to fight ‘all of the subpoenas’ aimed at his Administration, he began a dangerous campaign of unprecedented obstruction.  We begin to bring that era of obstruction to an end today.  The law requires that when there is a dispute in court between the legislative and executive branches, the two must work in good faith to find a compromise—and I am pleased that we have reached an arrangement that satisfies our subpoena, protects the Committee’s constitutional duty to conduct oversight in the future, and safeguards sensitive executive branch prerogatives.

“This settlement is the result of weeks of hard work and collaboration with the Biden Administration and relevant outside counsel.  I look forward to the D.C. Circuit recognizing the importance of this outcome in the coming days.”