Press Releases

Chairs Nadler and Maloney Statement on Roger Stone Commutation

Washington, July 10, 2020

Washington, D.C. –Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) released the following joint statement on President Trump's decision to commute the sentence of Roger Stone:

“The facts are clear: Roger Stone lied to investigators. He threatened to harm a witness to his crimes. A jury of our fellow Americans found him guilty of obstruction of justice. Throughout it all, he promised he would do whatever it takes to avoid telling the truth about the President’s behavior in the 2016 presidential campaign—provided that President Trump protect him from the consequences.

“President Trump’s unprecedented decision to commute the sentence of Roger Stone, an individual that could directly implicate him in criminal misconduct, undermines the rule of law. By this action, President Trump abused the powers of his office in an apparent effort to reward Roger Stone for his refusal to cooperate with investigators examining the President’s own conduct. No other president has exercised the clemency power for such a patently personal and self-serving purpose.

“This transparently corrupt commutation damages public confidence in the justice system and the rule of law. Among other things, we intend to seek an immediate briefing from the White House Counsel on the circumstances surrounding Roger Stone’s commutation. In addition, the Department of Justice should release grand jury materials related to Roger Stone and his communications with the President.

“Republican tolerance of the President’s disregard for the rule of law has helped bring us to this moment. This is a powerful reminder that Donald Trump has little respect for law and order, no matter how much he tweets about it.”
