Press Releases

Chairman Nadler Announces Markup of NO BAN Act on Anniversary of Muslim Ban

Washington, January 27, 2020

Washington, D.C. – Today, on the third anniversary of the release of President Trump’s original Muslim Ban, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) issued the following statement:

"On January 27, 2017, during his first week in office, President Trump issued a discriminatory, rushed, and unworkable executive order to ban Muslims from entering the United States. The next day,I traveled to JFK Airport to make sure that nationals of banned countries with valid visas would have those visas honored. Althoughthe scene at the airport was chaotic and heartbreaking, it also gave me great hope. I observed America at its best—the incredible outpouring of compassion and support for individuals subject to the ban, offered by volunteers from all walks of life, was inspiring.

"I was further heartened when the Executive Order, and a subsequent version, were stopped by the courts.Sadly, the inclusion of a sham waiver process and a couple of non-Muslim majority countries was enough to convince a slim majority of the Supreme Court that a third version of the ban passed constitutional muster. We are now living with the consequences of that fateful decision.

"That is why we must act. In two weeks, theJudiciary Committee will markup H.R. 2214, the National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Nonimmigrants Act or NO BAN Act. This important legislation would repeal the Muslim ban,strengthen provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act by prohibiting discrimination based on religion, and ensure that executive authority to prohibit the entry of noncitizens can no longer be abused."