Press Releases

Ranking Member Nadler Statement on Effort by President Trump and House Republicans to Expose Identity of FBI Confidential Source

Washington, DC, May 22, 2018

Today, Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) of the House Judiciary Committee released the following statement in response to the effort by President Trump and Congressional Republicans to undercut the Special Counsel investigation by pressuring the Department of Justice to expose the role of a top-secret FBI source: 

“A deliberate decision to expose the identity of a confidential source for some perceived political advantage is reckless, stupid, and dangerous.  Human intelligence is the core of our national security operation.  These men and women risk their lives in the service of our country.  President Trump and his Republican allies in Congress have failed in their responsibility to protect these sources.  They have failed in their responsibility to protect our country.  Chairman Nunes and other Republicans involved in this petty demand should be ashamed.

“Federal law is designed to prevent this outcome.  The Intelligence Identities Protection Act prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of information that exposes covert intelligence assets.  Even Members of Congress could face criminal penalties if they intentionally reveal the identity of a covert agent.

“What will this cynical and dangerous move accomplish?  I suspect it will do little to disrupt the work of the Special Counsel, or protect President Trump and his allies from investigators, or to undermine the need for the President to sit for an interview before the investigation concludes.”
