Press Releases

Conyers Calls on IRS to Crack Down on Tax Preparer Rip-offs of Customers

Washington, DC, June 29, 2012

Yesterday, the Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, held a hearing on “Identity Theft and Income Tax Preparation Fraud.”  The Subcommittee heard testimony from several witnesses, including Mr. Michael Robinson, a victim of tax fraud.  House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) released this statement following the hearing. 

“Today I heard from Michael Robinson who testified that he went into a Mo Money Taxes location in Norfolk, Virginia, to obtain an estimate on the cost for the company to prepare and file his tax return.  After speaking to a representative, Mr. Robinson decided not to submit with the company and never signed a return.    

“Several weeks later, Mr. Robinson contracted with another company to prepare and submit his return.  It is then that he learned that a return had already been submitted in his name and a refund check already issued.  Mr. Robinson testified he did not receive that refund check.  Furthermore, Mr. Robinson testified that subsequent investigation revealed that Mo Money claimed credits on his behalf to which he was not entitled, which inflated his return and opened him up to penalties from the IRS.  Mr. Robinson filed a complaint with the IRS and filed an amended return.  To date he still has not received any of his refund money.

“My colleagues and I are hearing complaints about what customers have experienced with Mo Money from around the country.  And Mo Money certainly is not the only example of tax preparer fraud.  The IRS must step up its investigation efforts and take immediate action to assist these victims and make them whole. “
