Press Releases

Conyers Commends DOJ for Important Step in Federal Profiling Policy

Washington, DC, December 9, 2014

Yesterday the Department of Justice issued an updated policy statement to curb the risks of unlawful profiling by federal law enforcement agencies. Building on the 2003 guidance issued by the Bush administration, the new policy expands covered classifications to include gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity and includes activities related to national security and intelligence.  In response to this announcement, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. released the following statement:

“The Holder Racial Profiling Guidance is an important step in the right direction, and sends the signal that the Federal government is committed to ensuring that its law enforcement agencies conduct their activities free from bias.  However, the guidance still highlights the need for progress in airports and border security.  I look forward to working with the Administration to develop comprehensive legislation to ensure that all who cross our borders will be treated equally and fairly before the law.

“Despite the Profiling Guidance being applicable to state and local law enforcement officers while participating in Federal law enforcement task forces, the policy fails to reach the bulk of profiling complaints at the center of complaints from minority communities, like Ferguson, Missouri.  For that reason, I will continue to push for federal anti-profiling legislation, like the End Racial Profiling Act (H.R. 2851) and additional police accountability legislation.  Only federal legislation will give the Department the appropriate additional tools necessary to address the root causes of the issues dividing the police and minority communities.”   

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Click HERE to review the Department of Justice’s updated guidance on racial profiling limits.