Press Releases

Conyers Lauds Presidential Commission’s Bipartisan Approach to Addressing Voting Problems

Washington, DC, February 7, 2014

Today, ranking member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) met with Bob Bauer, the co-chair of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration.  This meeting comes on the heels of a report that the commission issued last month detailing how to address the many issues that plagued the 2012 presidential election specifically and the American electoral system generally. After the meeting, Ranking Member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) issued the following statement:

“I applaud the Obama administration for taking a bipartisan approach to leading on the pressing election issues facing the country.  Just as we in the House of Representatives have agreed that bipartisanship is necessary to addressing the challenges in restoring the vitality of the Voting Rights Act, I hope that this report will be the key to commencing a similar dialogue on how we can modernize and improve election administration.  All, regardless of political affiliation, should be able to agree that our nation’s voters deserve a 21st century election system.

“The report by the Presidential Commission on Election Administration provides an important bipartisan focus on the challenges facing our nation’s election system. Many of the recommendations in the report track existing legislation and I hope that it will provide an impetus for congressional action on election administration issues. Given the Commission’s conclusion that the nation has reached a crisis point in the development of voting technology, Congress should take steps to ensure that the problems faced by voters in past election cycles do not reach epidemic proportions.”
