Press Releases


Nadler: Goodlatte Continues to Ignore Russia’s National Security Threat; Uses Hillary Clinton to Distract From Lack Of Trump Oversight

Washington, DC, March 22, 2018

Today, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) released the following statement after Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) issued a unilateral subpoena:

“Instead of using our time and resources to conduct oversight on pressing matters that actually impact our country today—like the Russian government’s ongoing attack on our elections or President Trump’s crusade to undermine the independence of the Department of Justice—Judiciary Republicans have chosen to issue a unilateral subpoena to acquire information related to Hillary Clinton’s emails.  Their priorities are upside-down and out of touch with the American public.
“This subpoena overlaps substantially with the Majority’s earlier request for the same documents.  The Department of Justice has largely complied with that request, transmitting new documents to the Committee every two weeks since late last year.  It seems that this subpoena is intended to speed up that production to pivot the discussion back to Hillary Clinton and divert attention from the chaos surrounding the Trump Administration and allegations involving the Trump campaign.” 
