Press Releases

Conyers Touts Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Washington, DC, July 10, 2013

Today, a new White House report was released finding that comprehensive immigration reform would create jobs, boost productivity and economic growth, raise worker’s wages, and strengthen Social Security.  Following the release of the report, Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) issued the following statement:

“The White House report today makes clear: comprehensive immigration reform is a boon to our economy, workers, middle class families, and the country as a whole.

“While the moral imperative to fix our broken immigration system and bring an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants out of the shadows has long been clear, this report underscores that the economic costs of inaction are simply too great to ignore. And as the U.S. economy continues to find its footing, these immigration reform measures will serve as a needed stimulus for recovery. By boosting wages and expanding our workforce, comprehensive immigration reform will strengthen consumer demand and bolster economic growth.

“In honoring our history as a nation of immigrants, comprehensive immigration reform will protect our workers, unite families, and provide an earned pathway to citizenship for the undocumented.  The Senate has already overwhelmingly passed comprehensive immigration reform on a bipartisan basis.  It is now time for House Republican leadership to do their part.  And, with these findings of the economic imperative of immigration reform, some of my colleagues are running low on excuses not to consider comprehensive reform.”
