
Goodlatte & Conyers Urge Americans to Work Together Following Shootings in Tulsa and Charlotte

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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.), leaders of the bipartisan Policing Strategies Working Group, today issued the following joint statement on the police-involved shootings in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Charlotte, North Carolina and subsequent protests: “The heartbreaking images from Tulsa and Charlotte remind us once again that our nat... Read more »

Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. for Hearing on “The Ultimate Civil Right: Examining the Hyde Amendment and the

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In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court recognized a woman’s constitutional right to make what is perhaps the most profoundly personal of healthcare decisions –when to start a family – free from undue government interference. Unfortunately, since 1976, Congress has sought to undermine this important constitutional right by attaching the so-called “Hyde Amendment” to annual appropriations measures fundin... Read more »

Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. for the Hearing on “Impeachment Articles Referred on John Koskinen, Part III” before the Committee on the Judiciary

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Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And thank you, Commissioner Koskinen, for joining us today on short notice, under these unusual circumstances. Last week, a handful of my colleagues attempted to force a vote on your impeachment. When it appeared that they would fall short of the necessary votes, that effort was abandoned—and this hearing was scheduled instead. I hope that my colleagues now see what I see ... Read more »

FACT SHEET: GOP Attacks on IRS Commissioner are Not Impeachment Proceedings

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“Under the modern practice, an impeachment is normally instituted by the House by the adoption of a resolution calling for a committee investigation. This committee may, after investigation, recommend the dismissal of charges or it may recommend impeachment.”[1] The effort to impeach Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen contains none of the hallmarks of actual impeachment hearings—w... Read more »

This Week in the House Judiciary Committee (September 19-23)

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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 10:00 a.m. Full Committee Hearing Impeachment Articles Referred on John Koskinen, Part III Witness: The Honorable John Koskinen, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service 2237 Rayburn House Office Building THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 10:00 a.m. Full Committee Hearing Oversight of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Witness: The Honorable Sarah Saldaña, Director, U.S. Immigrati... Read more »

Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. for the Hearing on “Exploring Federal Diversity Jurisdiction” Before the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice

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Today’s hearing focuses on federal diversity jurisdiction whereby federal courts may hear otherwise purely state law cases if the plaintiff and the defendant are citizens of different states. For more than 2 centuries, Congress has imposed, and the Supreme Court has upheld, the requirement of “complete” diversity, which mandates that every plaintiff must be a citizen of a different state than ever... Read more »

Statement of the Honorable John Conyers Jr. for the Markup of H.R. 3438, the “Require Evaluation before Implementing Executive Wishlists Act of 2015.”

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H.R. 3438, the “Require Evaluation before Implementing Executive Wishlists Act of 2016,” would stay the enforcement of any rule imposing an annual cost to the economy in excess of $1 billion pending judicial review. Notwithstanding the bill’s colorful short title, H.R. 3438 would have a pernicious impact on rulemaking and the ability of agencies to respond to critical health and safety issues. In ... Read more »

Floor Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. in Opposition to H.R. 4768, the “Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2016”

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I rise in strong opposition to H.R. 4768, the “Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2016.” By eliminating judicial deference to agency determinations, the bill would make the already ossified rulemaking process even more time-consuming and costly, threatening the ability of federal regulatory agencies to protect public health and safety. This is true for several reasons. Ironically, for a bill ... Read more »

This Week in the House Judiciary Committee (July 5-8)

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The House Judiciary Committee has announced a markup for Thursday, July 7, 2016. Below is the Committee’s schedule for the week of July 5-8, 2016. WEDNESDAY, JULY 6 10:00 a.m. Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet Hearing on: “The Judicial Branch and the Efficient Administration of Justice” Witness: Mr. James Duff, Director, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 2237 Ra... Read more »

Conyers & Cohen Laud Supreme Court Pro-Choice Decision

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House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) and Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice Ranking Member Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) today released the following joint statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt decision, which ruled that Texas’ abortion law was unconstitutional: “We are deeply heartened that the Supreme Court has ... Read more »