Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Goodlatte, Conyers, Sensenbrenner, Nadler on One Year Anniversary of the USA Freedom Act

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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers (D-Mich.), Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), and Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) issued the following joint statement on the one year anniversary of the enactment... Read more »

House Judiciary Committee Approves Bill to Protect Americans’ Property Rights

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The House Judiciary Committee today approved by voice vote H.R. 5283, the Deterring Undue Enforcement by Protecting Rights of Citizens from Excessive Searches and Seizures Act of 2016 (Due Process Act) to strengthen protections for Americans’ property through civil asset forfeiture reform. The Due Process Act – introduced by Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Subcommittee Chai... Read more »

Reps. Poe & Conyers Lead Bipartisan House Coalition to Stop Government Surveillance and Hacking

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Today, Congressman Ted Poe (R-TX) and Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) along with Congressman Blake Fahrenthold (R-TX) and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) introduced H.R. 5321 the Stop Mass Hacking Act. This is the companion bill to legislation introduced on the Senate side by Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rand Paul (R-KY). The Department of Justice has recently moved to make an administrative rul... Read more »

Sensenbrenner, Goodlatte, Conyers, Jackson Lee, Walberg, Roskam Unveil Bill to Protect Americans’ Property Rights

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As part of the House Judiciary Committee’s bipartisan criminal justice reform initiative, Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Ranking Member John Conyers (D-Mich.), Crime Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Subcommittee Ranking Member Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Te... Read more »

Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. for the Hearing on “Examining Legislation to Promote the Effective Enforcement of the ADA’s Public Accommodations Provisions” Before the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice

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The 3 bills that are the subject of today’s hearing would institute a “notice and cure” requirement under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Specifically, these measures would prohibit a lawsuit from being commenced unless the plaintiff first gave the business owner “specific” notice of an alleged violation and an opportunity to fix or make “substantial” progress toward reme... Read more »

Conyers, Scott Unveil New GAO Report on Segregation in Public Schools

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Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (MI-13) and Committee on Education and the Workforce Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) unveiled the findings of a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on actions needed to reduce racial and socioeconomic segregation, and address disparities in K-12 public schools. Ranking Members Conyers and Scott, along with retired ... Read more »

Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. for the Markup of H.R. 5063, the “Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act of 2016”

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H.R. 5063, the “Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act of 2016,” would prohibit the enforcement or negotiation of any settlement agreement requiring donations to remediate harms that are not “directly and proximately” caused by a party’s unlawful conduct. The proponents of this bill claim that the Justice Department and civil enforcement agencies use such settlement agreements to unlawfully augment their... Read more »

Conyers Applauds White House Police Data Initiative

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Today, the Obama Administration announced that 53 jurisdictions—including Detroit, MI—have committed to Police Data Initiative (PDI). As part of President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, the White House launched PDI as a community of practices aiming to improve the relationship between citizens and police through uses of data that increase transparency, build community trust, and stre... Read more »

Conyers Commends VA Governor McAuliffe on Restoration of Ex-Offender Voting Rights

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Today, Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced that he used his executive authority to restore the voting rights of more than 200,000 ex-offenders. As a result, ex-offenders in Virginia who are not in prison, on probation or parole will be permitted to register and vote in the upcoming presidential election. House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), commended his actions with the f... Read more »

Statement of the Honorable John Conyers for the Hearing on H.R. 4924, the “Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act of 2016"

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H.R. 4924, the “Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act of 2016,” is the latest attempt to erode the constitutional right to an abortion guaranteed by Roe v. Wade more than 40 years ago. Among other things, the bill would make it a crime for a doctor to perform an abortion if she or he knows that the procedure is being done because of the race or sex of the fetus or the race of one of the parents, regardle... Read more »