Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Floor Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. of H.R. 1215, the “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017,”

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House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers (MI-13) today gave the following statement on the House floor in opposition to the Protecting Access to Care Act (H.R. 1215). Ranking Member Conyers: M. Chairman, H.R. 1215, the “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017,” will do little to protect Americans’ access to safe and affordable health care. Instead, it will deny victims of medical malpra... Read more »

Conyers to Intelligence Community: Breaking Your Promise on Section 702 is Unacceptable

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In April and December of last year, a bipartisan group from the House Judiciary Committee wrote to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to ask for “a public estimate of the number of communications or transactions involving United States persons that may be captured by Section 702 surveillance on an annual basis.” On April 7, 2017, Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Ranking Member Jo... Read more »

Cicilline, Booker, Conyers Introduce Bill to Repeal Congressional Review Act

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Today, U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI), Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) introduced a bill to repeal the Congressional Review Act, a measure Republicans have exploited this year to overturn public health, environmental, and consumer protections while advancing special interests. “From stripping the privacy rights of Americ... Read more »

Scott, Conyers Statement on Latest Trump Actions to Enable Discrimination

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Committee on Education and the Workforce Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) and Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member John Conyers (MI-13) issued the following statement after President Trump signed an executive order on the National Day of Prayer, that allegedly promotes “religious liberty”: “Religious liberty is a fundamental American value. However, the executive order signed today by the ... Read more »

Three Years after Disastrous Flint Water Switch Conyers, Kildee, and Lawrence Reintroduces Bill to Stop Emergency Managers

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Three Years after Disastrous Flint Water Switch Conyers, Kildee, and Lawrence Reintroduce Bill to Stop Emergency Managers U.S. Representatives John Conyers (D-MI), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, Dan Kildee (D-MI), Brenda Lawrence (D-MI), and 17 cosponsors, today reintroduced the Emergency Financial Manager Reform Act to address unchecked decision-making powers that appointed emer... Read more »

Conyers Statement at Hearing to Conduct Oversight on the Bureau of Prisons and the U.S. Marshals Service

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Mr. Chairman, I welcome this hearing as the Crime Subcommittee continues its oversight of the components of the Department of Justice that advance the Department’s law enforcement mission. The Bureau of Prisons and the Marshals Service both play important roles in this regard. It is particularly important that we closely examine the administration of the Bureau of Prisons at this time. The federal... Read more »

On Anniversary of Flint Water Switch, CBC Tells President: Residents Still Don’t Have Access to Clean Drinking Water

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Today, on the three-year anniversary of the water switch that resulted in a lead contamination in Flint, Mich., the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) sent a letter to President Trump questioning the Administration’s commitment to the area in light of proposed budget cuts to EPA and other agencies. Although the water in the majority African-American city continues to improve and federal agencies ha... Read more »