
Examining Proposed Constitutional Amendments

Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government

Location: 2141 RHOB

Examining Proposed Constitutional Amendments

Hearing: Examining Proposed Constitutional Amendments

Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government (Committee on the Judiciary)

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 (2:00 PM)

2141 RHOB
Washington, D.C.

Support Documents

  • A statement from Art Harman, Executive Director of Americans for Term Limits, dated September 19, 2023, submitted for the Record by Mr. Johnson of LA. [PDF] Added 09/19/2023 at 05:54 PM
  • An article from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities titled Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment Poses Serious Risks dated March 16, 2018, submitted for the Record by Ms. Scanlon of PA. [PDF] Added 09/19/2023 at 05:54 PM
  • An article from Center for American Progress titled Tax Cuts Are Primarily Responsible for the Increasing Debt Ratio dated May 27, 2023, submitted for the Record by Ms. Scanlon of PA. [PDF] Added 09/19/2023 at 05:54 PM
  • An article from the Washington Post titled Term limits would upend Congress as we know it dated September 16, 2023, submitted for the Record by Ms. Scanlon of PA. [PDF] Added 09/19/2023 at 05:54 PM
  • An article from The Nation titled Warning: A Convention of States Is Practicing to Rewrite the Constitution dated July 14, 2023, submitted for the Record by Ms. Scanlon of PA. [PDF] Added 09/19/2023 at 05:54 PM
  • An article from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities titled 5 Reasons to Reject Any Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment dated April 29, 2019, submitted for the Record by Ms. Scanlon of PA. [PDF] Added 09/19/2023 at 05:54 PM
  • An issue brief from American Constitution Society titled A Dangerous Adventure: No Safeguards Would Protect Basic Liberties from an Article V Convention dated October 2021, submitted for the Record by Ms. Scanlon of PA. [PDF] Added 09/19/2023 at 05:54 PM
  • An article from The New York Times titled "A Second Constitutional Convention? Some Republicans Want to Force One" dated September 4, 2022, submitted for the Record by Ms. Scanlon of PA. [PDF] Added 09/20/2023 at 04:41 PM
  • A statement submitted for the Record by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX. [PDF] Added 09/20/2023 at 04:41 PM
  • A statement from Kurt Couchman, Senior Fellow in Fiscal Policy for Americans for Prosperity, dated September 19, 2023, submitted for the Record by Mr. Johnson of LA. [PDF] Added 09/27/2023 at 04:45 PM
  • An article from The Hill titled A well-crafted budget amendment can succeed dated January 20, 2017, submitted for the Record by Mr. Johnson of LA. [PDF] Added 09/27/2023 at 04:45 PM

First Published: September 12, 2023 at 01:05 PM


Mr. Thomas Jipping
Senior Legal Fellow, Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation

  • Jipping Testimony [PDF]
  • Jipping Truth in Testimony [PDF]
  • Jipping Biography [PDF]

Dr. David Primo
Ani and Mark Gabrellian Professor, Professor of Political Science and Business Administration, University of Rochester

  • Primo Testimony [PDF]
  • Primo Truth in Testimony [PDF]
  • Primo Biography [PDF]

Mr. Stephen Spaulding
Vice President of Policy and External Affairs, Common Cause

  • Spaulding Testimony [PDF]
  • Spaulding Truth in Testimony [PDF]
  • Spaulding Biography [PDF]

Mr. Nick Tomboulides
Executive Director, U.S. Term Limits

  • Tomboulides Testimony [PDF]
  • Tomboulides Truth in Testimony [PDF]
  • Tomboulides Biography [PDF]