
H.R. 7737, the One Agency Act; H.R. 7198, the Prove It Act of 2024; H.R. 5082 the Revision Existing Procedures On Reporting via Technology (REPORT) Act; H.R. 7189 the Protection of Women in Olympic Sports Act; H.R. 1631 the Protecting and Enhancing Public Access to Codes Act; H.R. 661 Sarah's Law; and H.R. 3591, the Asylum Accountability Act

Location: 2141 RHOB

H.R. 7737, the One Agency Act; H.R. 7198, the Prove It Act of 2024; H.R. 5082 the Revision Existing Procedures On Reporting via Technology (REPORT) Act; H.R. 7189 the Protection of Women in Olympic Sports Act; H.R. 1631 the Protecting and Enhancing Public Access to Codes Act; H.R. 661 Sarah's Law; and H.R. 3591, the Asylum Accountability Act

Markup of H.R. 7737, the One Agency Act; H.R. 7198, the Prove It Act of 2024; H.R. 5082 the Revision Existing Procedures On Reporting via Technology (REPORT) Act; H.R. 7189 the Protection of Women in Olympic Sports Act; H.R. 1631 the Protecting and Enhancing Public Access to Codes Act; H.R. 661 Sarah's Law; and H.R. 3591, the Asylum Accountability Act

Committee on the Judiciary

Thursday, March 21, 2024 (10:00 AM)

2141 RHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 7737, the One Agency Act Bill Text [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • H.R. 7198, the Prove it Act of 2024 Bill Text - passed as amended by 17 yays and 10 nays [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • H.R. 5082, the Revisiting Existing Procedures On Reporting via Technology (REPORT) Act Bill Text, passed as amended by 23 yays and 0 nays [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • H.R. 7187, the Protection of Women in Olympic and Amateur Sports Act Bill Text - passed as amended by 16 yays and 15 nays [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • H.R. 1631, the Protecting and Enhancing Public Access to Codes Act Bill Text [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • H.R. 661, Sarah's Law Bill Text - passed as amended by 14 yays and 9 nays [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • H.R. 3591, the Asylum Accountability Act [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM


  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 7737, the One Agency Act [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 7198, the Prove It Act of 2024 [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 5082, the Revising Existing Procedures On Reporting via Technology (REPORT) Act [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 7187 [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1631, the Protecting and Enhancing Public Access to Codes Act [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 661, Sarah's Law [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3591, the Asylum Accountability Act [PDF] Added 03/19/2024 at 09:59 AM
  • Amendment #1 to HR 7187 ANS offered by Ms. Jayapal of WA - failed 11-13 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #2 to HR 7187 ANS offered by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX - ruled not germane [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #3 to HR 7187 ANS offered by Ms. Dean of PA - agreed to by voice vote [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #4 to HR 7187 ANS offered by Ms. Scanlon of PA - failed 13-14 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #5 to HR 7187 ANS offered by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX - failed 13-13 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #6 to HR 7187 ANS offered by Ms. Escobar of TX - failed 13-14 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #1 to HR 7198 ANS offered by Mr. Nadler of NY - failed 9-14 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #2 to HR 7198 ANS offered by Mr. Nadler of NY - failed 10-16 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #3 to HR 7198 ANS offered by Mr. Nadler of NY - failed 10-16 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #4 to HR 7198 ANS offered by Ms. McBath of GA - failed 8-13 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #5 to HR 7198 ANS offered by Ms. Balint of VT - failed 7-8 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • Amendment #1 to HR 661 ANS offered by Ms. Jayapal of WA - failed 7-11 [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM

Support Documents

  • An article titled, "USA Boxing slammed for new transgender policy that allows biological men to compete against women", submitted for the Record by Ms. Hageman of WY [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • An article from Fox News titled, "Boxing champs, Olympic gold medalist rip USA Boxing over transgender policy: 'Girls need to stick together'", submitted for the Record by Ms. Hageman of WY [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • An article titled, "USA Boxing Codifies Rule Allowing Male Participation in Women's Division", submitted for the Record by Ms. Hageman of WY [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • An article from AAF titled, "Week in Regulation: Energy and Environment Rules Dominate the Week", submitted for the Record by Mr. Moran of TX [PDF] Added 03/22/2024 at 09:27 AM
  • A letter dated February 1, 2024 from multiple organizations to Chairman Jordan and Ranking Member Nadler, submitted for the Record by Mr. Moran of TX [PDF] Added 03/22/2024 at 09:27 AM
  • A letter dated February 6, 2024 from ICBA to Rep. Moran, submitted for the Record by Mr. Moran of TX [PDF] Added 03/22/2024 at 09:27 AM
  • A letter dated February 29, 2024 from the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association to Rep. Moran, submitted for the Record by Mr. Moran of TX [PDF] Added 03/22/2024 at 09:27 AM
  • A letter dated February 1, 2024 from the NFIB to Rep. Finstad, submitted for the Record by Mr. Moran of TX [PDF] Added 03/22/2024 at 09:27 AM
  • A letter dated February 5, 2024 from NAIFA to Rep. Finstad, submitted for the Record by Mr. Moran of TX [PDF] Added 03/22/2024 at 09:27 AM
  • A letter dated March 20, 2024 from the Job Creators Network to Chairman Jordan and Ranking Member Nadler, submitted for the Record by Mr. Moran of TX [PDF] Added 03/22/2024 at 09:27 AM
  • An article from CBS News titled, "Murders of trans people nearly double over past 4 years, and Black trans women are most at risk, report finds", submitted for the Record by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 09:14 AM
  • An article from CBS News titled, "Texas transgender woman's killing highlights disturbing trend", submitted for the Record by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 09:14 AM
  • An article from HRC titled, "Fatal Violence Against the Transgender and Gender-Expansive Community in 2022", submitted for the Record by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 09:14 AM
  • An article from Vibe titled, "Chyna Gibson is the Fifth Transgender Woman Killed in 2017", submitted for the Record by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 09:14 AM
  • An article from Advocate titled, "29 Transgender and Nonbinary People Killed in 2023", submitted for the Record by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 09:14 AM
  • A letter dated March 20, 2024 from the ACLU regarding HR 7187, submitted for the Record by Mr. Nadler of NY [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 10:24 AM
  • A letter from InterAct dated March 20, 2024 regarding HR 7187, submitted for the Record by Mr. Nadler of NY [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 10:24 AM
  • A letter dated March 21, 2024 from multiple organizations regarding HR 7187, submitted for the Record by Mr. Nadler of NY [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 10:24 AM
  • A letter dated March 21, 2024 from multiple organizations to Chairman Jordan and Ranking Member Nadler regarding HR 7187, submitted for the Record by Ms. Jayapal of WA [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 10:24 AM
  • An article from North Jersey titled, "Women & Sport: Female athletes have made strides on reproductive freedom in the workplace", submitted for the Record by Ms. Scanlon of PA [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 10:24 AM
  • An article from The Athletic titled, "The men who practice against Caitlin Clark can't stop her either", submitted for the Record by Mr. Ivey of MD [PDF] Added 03/25/2024 at 10:24 AM


  • RC #1 - Vote on Final Passage of HR 5082, as amended [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #2 - Vote on Jayapal Amendment (#1) to HR 7187 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #3 - Vote on Motion to Adjourn - offered by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #4 - Vote on Scanlon Amendment (#4) to HR 7187 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #5 - Vote on Jackson Lee Amendment (#5) to HR 7187 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #6 - Vote on Escobar Amendment (#6) to HR 7187 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #7 - Vote on Final Passage of HR 7187, as amended [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #8 - Vote on Nadler Amendment (#1) to HR 7198 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #9 - Vote on Nadler Amendment (#2) to HR 7198 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #10 - Vote on Nadler Amendment (#3) to HR 7198 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #11 - Vote on McBath Amendment (#4) to HR 7198 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #12 - Vote on Balint Amendment (#5) to HR 7198 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #13 - Vote on Final Passage of HR 7198, as amended [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #14 - Vote on Jayapal Amendment (#1) to HR 661 ANS [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM
  • RC #15 - Vote on Final Passage of HR 661, as amended [PDF] Added 03/21/2024 at 05:02 PM

First Published: March 19, 2024 at 09:28 AM