
H.R. 4848, the Censorship Accountability Act; H.R. 2595, the Forfeiture Funds Expenditure Transparency Act; H.R. 6824, the NICS Data Reporting Act; H.R. ____, the Transparency in National Security Threats Act; H.R. ____, the Standing Up to the Executive branch for Immigration Enforcement Act; H.R. ____, the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act; H.R. ____, the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Commit Robbery Act; H.R. ____, To amend chapters 4, 10, and 131 of title 5, United States Code, as necessary to keep those chapters current and to correct related technical errors; H.R. ____, To make improvements in the enactment of title 41, United States Code, into a positive law title and to improve the Code; H.R. ____, To make technical amendments to title 49, United States Code, as necessary to improve the Code; H.R. ____, To make revisions in Title 51, United States Code, as necessary to keep the title current, and to make technical amendments to improve the United Stat

Location: 2141 RHOB

H.R. 4848, the Censorship Accountability Act; H.R. 2595, the Forfeiture Funds Expenditure Transparency Act; H.R. 6824, the NICS Data Reporting Act; H.R. ____, the Transparency in National Security Threats Act; H.R. ____, the Standing Up to the Executive branch for Immigration Enforcement Act; H.R. ____, the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act; H.R. ____, the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Commit Robbery Act; H.R. ____, To amend chapters 4, 10, and 131 of title 5, United States Code, as necessary to keep those chapters current and to correct related technical errors; H.R. ____, To make improvements in the enactment of title 41, United States Code, into a positive law title and to improve the Code; H.R. ____, To make technical amendments to title 49, United States Code, as necessary to improve the Code; H.R. ____, To make revisions in Title 51, United States Code, as necessary to keep the title current, and to make technical amendments to improve the United Stat

Markup of H.R. 6824, the NICS Data Reporting Act; H.R. 7322, the Standing Up to the Executive branch for Immigration Enforcement Act; H.R. 7326, To amend chapters 4, 10, and 131 of title 5, United States Code, as necessary to keep those chapters current and to correct related technical errors; H.R. 7324, To make improvements in the enactment of title 41, United States Code, into a positive law title and to improve the Code; H.R. 7341, To make technical amendments to title 49, United States Code, as necessary to improve the Code; H.R. 7339, To make revisions in Title 51, United States Code, as necessary to keep the title current, and to make technical amendments to improve the United States Code; and H.R. 7316, To make improvements in the enactment of title 54, United States Code, into a positive law title and to correct related technical errors

Committee on the Judiciary

Thursday, February 15, 2024 (10:00 AM)

2141 RHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 6824, the NICS Data Reporting Act Bill Text [PDF] Added 02/13/2024 at 10:25 AM
  • H.R. 7322, the Standing Up to the Executive branch for Immigration Enforcement Act Bill Text [PDF] Added 02/13/2024 at 10:25 AM
  • H.R. 7326, To amend chapters 4, 10, and 131 of title 5, United States Code, as necessary to keep those chapters current and to correct related technical errors Bill Text [PDF] Added 02/13/2024 at 10:25 AM
  • H.R. 7324, To make improvements in the enactment of title 41, United States Code, into a positive law title and to improve the Code Bill Text [PDF] Added 02/13/2024 at 10:25 AM
  • H.R. 7341, To make technical amendments to title 49, United States Code, as necessary to improve the Code Bill Text [PDF] Added 02/13/2024 at 10:25 AM
  • H.R. 7339, To make revisions in Title 51, United States Code, as necessary to keep the title current, and to make technical amendments to improve the United States Code Bill Text [PDF] Added 02/13/2024 at 10:25 AM
  • H.R. 7316, To make improvements in the enactment of title 54, United States Code, into a positive law title and to correct related technical errors Bill Text [PDF] Added 02/13/2024 at 10:25 AM


  • Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 7322, the Standing Up to the Executive branch for Immigration Enforcement Act [PDF] Added 02/13/2024 at 10:25 AM
  • Amendment #1 to HR 6824, offered by Mr. Massie of KY - passed by voice vote [PDF] Added 02/15/2024 at 01:44 PM
  • Amendment #1 to HR 7322 ANS offered by Mr. Nadler of NY - failed 12-17 [PDF] Added 02/15/2024 at 01:44 PM
  • Amendment #2 to HR 7322 offered by Ms. Jayapal of WA - failed 10-18 [PDF] Added 02/15/2024 at 01:44 PM

Support Documents

  • A statement submitted for the Record by Ms. Jackson Lee of TX. [PDF] Added 02/20/2024 at 09:24 AM


  • RC #1 - Vote on Final Passage of HR 6824, as amended [PDF] Added 02/15/2024 at 01:44 PM
  • RC #2 - Vote on Nadler Amendment (#1) to HR 7322 ANS [PDF] Added 02/15/2024 at 01:44 PM
  • RC #3 - Vote on Jayapal Amendment (#2) to HR 7322 ANS [PDF] Added 02/15/2024 at 01:44 PM
  • RC #4 - Vote on Final Passage of HR 7322, as amended [PDF] Added 02/15/2024 at 01:44 PM

First Published: February 13, 2024 at 09:49 AM