
H.R. 5374, the Stopping Harmful Offers on Platforms by Screening Against Fakes in E-commerce Act or the SHOP SAFE Act; H.R. 2883, the Stop Stalling Access to Affordable Medications; H.R. 2891, the Preserve Access to Affordable Generics and Biosimilars Act; H.R. 2873, the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Through Promoting Competition Act of 2021; H.R. 2884, the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Through Improvements to Patent Litigation Act; H.R. 3617, the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2021 or the MORE Act of 2021; H.R. 2116, the Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2021 or the CROWN Act of 2021; H.R. 187, For the relief of Victoria Galindo Lopez.; H.R. 680, For the relief of Arpita Kurdekar, Girish Kurdekar, and Vandana Kurdekar.; H.R. 681, For the relief of Rebecca Trimble.; H.R. 739, For the relief of Median El-Moustrah.; and H.R. 785, For the relief of Maria Isabel Bueso Barrera, Alberto Bueso Mendoza, and

Location: 2141 RHOB

H.R. 5374, the Stopping Harmful Offers on Platforms by Screening Against Fakes in E-commerce Act or the SHOP SAFE Act; H.R. 2883, the Stop Stalling Access to Affordable Medications; H.R. 2891, the Preserve Access to Affordable Generics and Biosimilars Act; H.R. 2873, the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Through Promoting Competition Act of 2021; H.R. 2884, the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Through Improvements to Patent Litigation Act; H.R. 3617, the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2021 or the MORE Act of 2021; H.R. 2116, the Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2021 or the CROWN Act of 2021; H.R. 187, For the relief of Victoria Galindo Lopez.; H.R. 680, For the relief of Arpita Kurdekar, Girish Kurdekar, and Vandana Kurdekar.; H.R. 681, For the relief of Rebecca Trimble.; H.R. 739, For the relief of Median El-Moustrah.; and H.R. 785, For the relief of Maria Isabel Bueso Barrera, Alberto Bueso Mendoza, and

Markup of H.R. 5374, the Stopping Harmful Offers on Platforms by Screening Against Fakes in E-commerce Act or the SHOP SAFE Act; H.R. 2883, the Stop Stalling Access to Affordable Medications; H.R. 2891, the Preserve Access to Affordable Generics and Biosimilars Act; H.R. 2873, the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Through Promoting Competition Act of 2021; H.R. 2884, the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Through Improvements to Patent Litigation Act; H.R. 3617, the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2021 or the MORE Act of 2021; H.R. 2116, the Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2021 or the CROWN Act of 2021; H.R. 187, For the relief of Victoria Galindo Lopez.; H.R. 680, For the relief of Arpita Kurdekar, Girish Kurdekar, and Vandana Kurdekar.; H.R. 681, For the relief of Rebecca Trimble.; H.R. 739, For the relief of Median El-Moustrah.; and H.R. 785, For the relief of Maria Isabel Bueso Barrera, Alberto Bueso Mendoza, and Karla Maria Barrera De Bueso..

Committee on the Judiciary

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 (10:00 AM)

2141 RHOB
Washington, D.C.

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 2883, the Stop Stalling Access to Affordable Medications (Agreed to by a roll call vote of 31 Ayes and 9 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 2891, the Preserve Access to Affordable Generics and Biosimilars Act (Agreed to by a roll call vote of 28 Ayes and 13 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 2873, the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Through Promoting Competition Act of 2021 (Agreed to by a roll call vote of 27 Ayes and 16 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 2884, the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Through Improvements to Patent Litigation Act (Agreed to by a voice vote) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 3617, the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2021 or the MORE Act of 2021 (Agreed to by a roll call vote of 26 Ayes and 15 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 2116, the Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2021 or the CROWN Act of 2021 (Agreed to by a roll call vote of 23 Ayes and 15 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 187, For the relief of Victoria Galindo Lopez. (Agreed to by a voice vote) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 680, For the relief of Arpita Kurdekar, Girish Kurdekar, and Vandana Kurdekar. (Agreed to by a voice vote) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 681, For the relief of Rebecca Trimble. (Agreed to by a voice vote) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 739, For the relief of Median El-Moustrah. (Agreed to by a voice vote) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 785, For the relief of Maria Isabel Bueso Barrera, Alberto Bueso Mendoza, and Karla Maria Barrera De Bueso. (Agreed to by a voice vote) [PDF] Added 09/24/2021 at 01:53 PM
  • H.R. 5374, the Stopping Harmful Offers on Platforms by Screening Against Fakes in E-commerce Act or the SHOP SAFE Act (Agreed to by a roll call vote of 30 Ayes and 8 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/27/2021 at 11:40 AM


  • H.R. 5374, Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 09/27/2021 at 11:40 AM
  • H.R. 2883, Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 09/27/2021 at 11:40 AM
  • H.R. 2891, Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 09/27/2021 at 11:40 AM
  • H.R. 2873, Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 09/27/2021 at 11:40 AM
  • H.R. 2884, Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 09/27/2021 at 11:40 AM
  • H.R. 3617, Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 09/27/2021 at 11:40 AM
  • H.R. 2116, Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 09/27/2021 at 11:40 AM
  • H.R. 681, Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler [PDF] Added 09/27/2021 at 11:40 AM
  • H.R. 2883 - Issa #1 (Not agreed to by a roll call vote of 13 Ayes and 24 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • H.R. 2891 - Bishop #1 (Withdrawn) [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • H.R. 2873 - Buck #1 (Withdrawn) [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • H.R. 2873 - Bishop #2 (Not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 Ayes and 26 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • H.R. 2873 - Fitzgerald #3 (Not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 Ayes and 26 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • H.R. 2873 - Massie #4 (Not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 Ayes and 23 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • H.R. 2873 - Fitzgerald #5 (Not agreed to by a roll call vote of 14 Ayes and 24 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • H.R. 3617, Tiffany #1 (Not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 Ayes and 19 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 12:41 PM
  • H.R. 3617, Fitzgerald #2 (Not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 Ayes and 20 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 12:48 PM
  • H.R. 3617, Fitzgerald #3 (Not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 Ayes and 20 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 12:57 PM
  • H.R. 3617, Massie #4 (Not germane) [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 01:04 PM
  • H.R. 3617, Bishop #5 (Not agreed to by a roll call vote of 18 Ayes and 21 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 02:03 PM
  • H.R. 3617, Bishop #6 (Not germane) [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 02:16 PM

Support Documents

  • Article for the record entitled "Extensive Data Shows Punishing Reach of Racism for Black Boys," submitted by the Honorable David Cicilline [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "The truth about Black fatherhood," submitted by the Honorable David Cicilline [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Letter for the record from Bruce C. Harris, Vice President of Federal Government Affairs, Walmart, in support of H.R. 2116, submitted by the Honorable Steve Cohen [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "SHOP SAFE Is Another Attempt to Fix Big Tech That Will Mostly Harm Small Players and Consumers," submitted by the Honorable Zoe Lofgren [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "The SHOP SAFE Act Is a Terrible Bill That Will Eliminate Online Marketplaces," submitted by the Honorable Zoe Lofgren [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Rep. Jerry Nadler Pushing New Bill That Will Destroy Online Commerce; Make Sure Only Amazon Can Afford The Liability," submitted by the Honorable Zoe Lofgren [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Document for the record entitled "SHOP SAFE Act: Bad For Innovation, Bad For Consumers," submitted by the Honorable Zoe Lofgren [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Letter for the record from David French, Senior Vice President of Government Relations, National Retail Federation, submitted by the Honorable Zoe Lofgren [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Letter from the record from Engine, submitted by the Honorable Zoe Lofgren [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Letter for the record from The Coalition to Protect America's Small Sellers, submitted by the Honorable Zoe Lofgren [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Letter for the record from Koustubh Bagchi, Senior Director of Federal Public Policy, Chamber of Progress, submitted by the Honorable Zoe Lofgren [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Letter for the record from CROWN Coalition in support of H.R. 2116, submitted by the Honorable Karen Bass [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Texas lawmakers consider bill that would prevent schools and workplaces from discriminatory bans on dreadlocks, other hairstyles" submitted by the Honorable Sylvia Garcia [PDF] Added 10/05/2021 at 01:15 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Opinion: Stop policing people of color's hair and pass the CROWN" submitted by the Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee [PDF] Added 10/05/2021 at 01:15 PM
  • Statement for the record submitted by the Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee [PDF] Added 10/05/2021 at 01:15 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Black Girl Sent Home From School Over Hair Extensions" submitted by the Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee [PDF] Added 10/05/2021 at 01:15 PM
  • Letter for the record from the Drug Policy Alliance submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/05/2021 at 01:15 PM
  • Letter for the record from the American Civil Liberties Union and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights for the record submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/05/2021 at 01:15 PM
  • Letter for the record from Sam Rodriguez, Policy Director, Good Farmers Great Neighbors, submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/05/2021 at 01:15 PM
  • Letter for the record from the National Association of Manufacturers, submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Statement for the record from the American Apparel & Footwear Association, submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Letter for the record from the American Bar Association Section of Intellectual Property Law, submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Amazon And Other Online Marketplaces Facilitate Counterfeiting, U.S. Says," submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Statement for the record by the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP Global), submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Letter for the record from the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP Global), submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Letter for the record from Alliance for Automotive Innovation, Automotive Anti-Counterfeiting Council, and Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association, submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Counterfeits - Amazon, Etsy, eBay, Instagram, And Others Duping Consumers And Damaging Innovation," submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Fake and dangerous kids products are turning up for sale on Amazon," submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Fake Bike Helmets: Cheap But Dangerous," submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Letter for the record from Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP Global), Automotive Anti-Counterfeiting Council (A2C2), American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM), Communications Cable & Connectivity Association (CCCA), Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), Halloween Industry Association (HIA), Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA), Natural Products Association (NPA), Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), TIC Council Americas Toy Association, Transnational Association to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT), submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Letter for the record from Pharmavite LLC, submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Small Businesses Say Amazon Has a Huge Counterfeiting Problem. This 'Shark Tank' Company Is Fighting Back," submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Statement for the record from Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Statement for the record from the Toy Association, submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Statement for the record from the Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT), submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Article for the record entitled "Welcome to the Era of Fake Products," submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM
  • Article for the record entitled, "Amazon Has Ceded Control of Its Site. The Result: Thousands of Banned, Unsafe or Mislabeled Products; Just like tech companies that have struggled to tackle misinformation on their platforms, Amazon has proven unable or unwilling to effectively police thirdparty sellers on its site," submitted by the Honorable Jerrold Nadler [PDF] Added 10/15/2021 at 05:38 PM


  • RC #1 on H.R. 5374 [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • RC #2 on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2883 Offered by Mr. Issa [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • RC #3 on H.R. 2883 [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • RC #4 on H.R. 2891 [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • RC #5 on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2873 Offered by Mr. Bishop [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • RC #6 on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2873 Offered by Mr. Fitzgerald [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • RC #7 on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2873 Offered by Mr. Massie [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • RC #8 on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2873 Offered by Mr. Fitzgerald [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • RC #9 on H.R. 2873 [PDF] Added 09/29/2021 at 07:13 PM
  • RC #10 on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3617 Offered by Mr. Tiffany [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • RC #11 on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3617 Offered by Mr. Fitzgerald [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • RC #12 on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3617 Offered by Mr. Fitzgerald [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • RC #13 on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3617 Offered by Mr. Bishop [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • RC #14 on H.R. 3617 [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM
  • RC #15 on H.R. 2116 [PDF] Added 09/30/2021 at 06:43 PM

First Published: September 24, 2021 at 01:00 PM