
The State of Competition in the Wireless Market: Examining the Impact of the Proposed Merger of T-Mobile and Sprint on Consumers, Workers, and the Internet

Location: 2141 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

The State of Competition in the Wireless Market: Examining the Impact of the Proposed Merger of T-Mobile and Sprint on Consumers, Workers, and the Internet


Mr. John Legere 
Chief Executive Officer, T-Mobile

Mr. Marcelo Claure 
Executive Chairman, Sprint

Mr. Christopher Shelton 
President, Communication Workers of America

Ms. Gigi Sohn 
Distinguished Fellow, Georgetown University Law Center

Ms. Carmen Scurato
Senior Policy Counsel, Free Press

Ms. Carri Bennet 
General Counsel, Rural Wireless Association

Mr. Scott Wallsten
President and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute

Mr. Christopher S. Yoo
Director, Center for Technology, Innovation and Competition
