Press Releases

Conyers Applauds Secretary of State Clinton's National Action Plan on International Women's Rights

Washington, DC, December 19, 2011

Rep. John Conyers, Jr. today commended President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for initiating the Nation’s first-ever National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security.  By Executive Order, the President has formally directed that the Plan be implemented, which is the product of more than a decade of international dialogue.  In announcing the Plan during remarks made at Georgetown University earlier today, Secretary Clinton observed, “Women’s rights are human rights.”   She acknowledged the critical role that women can play in negotiations to resolve world conflicts by promoting a “more durable peace.”

Rep. Conyers said, “Together, the Executive Order and National Action Plan  chart a roadmap for how the U.S. will accelerate and institutionalize efforts across the government to advance women’s participation in preventing conflict and keeping peace. These documents represent a fundamental change in how the U.S. will approach its diplomatic, military, and development-based support to women in areas of conflict, by ensuring that their perspectives and considerations of gender are woven into the fabric of how the United States approaches peace processes, conflict prevention, the protection of civilians, and humanitarian assistance.

“It is vitally important that U.S. policy recognize not only the special needs of women, but their unique capacity to help solve problems throughout the world, from ending conflict, to fostering economic development, and ending world hunger.   The coordinated approach of the National Action Plan will bring together the work of the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, Treasury, and Homeland Security as well as the U.S. Agency for International Development.  Our Nation’s security will be greatly strengthened as we improve the status of women, and, with them, the welfare of their nations.   Development and stability around the world are critical to our security here at home.

“I call upon Congress to explore ways to help effectuate the Plan, and ensure that sufficient resources are made available to implement its laudable objectives.”
